How we work

How we work

How we work

  1. Discovery

  1. Discovery

Through reviewing everything you have on options and general compensation and interviewing key stakeholders in your organisation we conduct an in-depth audit with a report to close this phase.

  1. Heads of Terms and Numbers

  1. Heads of Terms and Numbers

In these conjunctive steps we set out to (re)build your medium- to long-term incentive scheme(s). We guide you on key terms, help you benchmark your numbers and plan your captable with you.

  1. Feasibility

  1. Feasibility

We are now ready to put the designed plan into action across the jurisdictions where you are present. In this stage we also decide on an implementation and change management plan.

  1. Implementation and Education

  1. Implementation and Education

This last phase is arguably the most important. A good plan with bad education equals undesirable outcomes. We help you create an information hub for all things equity and train people from multiple layers of the organisation on how to disseminate thinking and understanding of equity.

  1. Rollout!

  1. Rollout!

After rollout if you opted to pay us partially in equity we remain at your service free of charge for 5 of work per calendar year. If you went down the straight cash path, need not to worry either. We remain in touch to answer any questions that come up with regards to the project. Your relationship is important to us either way!

Get in touch with us now

Get in touch with us now

Get in touch with us now

We will help you create an equity plan that fits your needs.

We will help you create an equity plan that fits your needs.

We will help you create an equity plan that fits your needs.

Schedule a call